4317530 CANADA INC.
Corporation Number:431753-0
Business Number:827911546RC0001
Corporate Name:4317530 CANADA INC.
Governing Legislation:Canada Business Corporations Act - 2005-08-25
Office Address:6 rue de Mulhouse Lorraine QC J6Z 4W2 Canada
Office Address in Map
Full name: YVAN DUBÉ
Address: 635 rue St-Maurice #1107 Montreal QC H3C 0N6 Canada
Annual Filings
Anniversary Date (MM-DD)
Date of Last Annual Meeting
Annual Filing Period (MM-DD)
08-25 to 10-24
Type of Corporation
Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders
Status of Annual Filings
2021 - Due to be filed 2020 - Filed 2019 - Filed
Corporate History
2005-08-25 to Present
4317530 CANADA INC.
Certificates and Filings
Certificate of Incorporation
Amendment details: Other
Amendment details: Other
Certificate of Dissolution
Certificate of Revival
Certificate of Dissolution
Certificate of Revival
Other Companies